Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Illustration Friday - Breakfast

For my final Illustration Friday picture ever, I wanted to pay tribute to the word Friday as well as showing the word breakfast. So I drew the scene from Rebecca Black's famous Friday music video in which she sings about eating breakfast. She says "Gotta have my bowl; gotta have cereal" and as cereal is usually my breakfast food of choice, I found this even more apropos. Even though this song is no less than obnoxious, it obviously has its uses.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Biome Project: Showcase

A front view to give a "detailed" look at the Project
 Side angle to view depth, interior, and a changed perspective.
 Another side view to show the interior, shadow movement, and changed perspective.

Biome Project: Creation

Step 1: Land and Air
Step 2: Vegetation 
 Step 3: Turtle and Added Vegetation
 Step 4: Lid/Top
 Step 5: Otter and Added Vegetation
 Step 6: Fish and Finishing Touches

Paper Sculptures



Shadow Box Exterior

This is the outside of my box! Unfortunately, in an attempt to get a cool shadow effect from the back of the box whilst I let the glue on the front dry, I had to lean it against a chair. So a bit of the back is cut off, though the idea is generally understandable.

Biome Project: My Textured Paper Collection

The top four pictures are of paste paper I made, and the bottom is a stack of scraps that I used. I tried to think of what I would need most, and seeing as a river biome consists mainly of water and plants, I tried to collect and make a lot of blues, browns, and greens.

Biome Thumbnail Sketches

My sketch of a turtle, like what might be found in a river biome (webbed feet!)
A fish (just a generic fish)
 An otter, which may be found only in certain river or river esque areas, and also in zoos.
 A [rough] sketch of a river with sandy banks and rimmed in green vegetation. 
 Some trees and bushes, generic looking, commonly found plants.
 Some reeds and flowers, to stress the large variety of plant life found near rivers.