Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Illustration Friday - Breakfast

For my final Illustration Friday picture ever, I wanted to pay tribute to the word Friday as well as showing the word breakfast. So I drew the scene from Rebecca Black's famous Friday music video in which she sings about eating breakfast. She says "Gotta have my bowl; gotta have cereal" and as cereal is usually my breakfast food of choice, I found this even more apropos. Even though this song is no less than obnoxious, it obviously has its uses.


  1. This was a really creative idea. I also like you drawing of the person eating cereal it looks really good.

  2. fun fun fun fun. This is awesome. Aside from how awesome Rebecca Black is, I really like how you incorporated words and a lot of colors that make the drawing really interesting. You rock.

  3. hahaha! This is really creative. Nice work
